Guestmate is a free app that allow the hotel guests to get access to special offers, recommendations and services during their stay. Guestmate app is intuitive and truly interactive where guests can easily make bookings, receive notifications and check their requests status at anytime.What you can do from the app?Get your personal code from the hotel once your reservation is confimed and sign-in to customize your app for your stayEasily get access to all the hotel information and amenitiesSave time at the Front-desk and ask for check-in or check-out directly from your mobile device.Easily indicate your preferences and book directly from your smartphone the room service, restaurants, Spa, excursions and much more.Check at any time the status of your requests and bookings.Receive notifications about promotions and exclusive offers from the hotel during your stay.Get in touch with other guests and have fun.What I need?In order to use the app you only need to have a confirmed reservation from one of our partner hotels and use your personal code which the hotel has provided to you either directly or via email. If you havent received your code or whether you dont remember it, please get in touch with the frontdesk for getting your own id.